
Provides file system abstraction.

A File extends Path by adding file system manipulation, such as deleting, renaming, listing.


    local dir = File:new('work')
    for _, file in ipairs(dir:listFiles()) do
      if file:isFile() then
        print('The file "'..file:getPath()..'" length is '..tostring(file:length()))

Class File

File:new ([parent], path) Creates a new File with the specified name.
file:getPath () Returns the path of the file as a string.
file:getParentFile () Returns the parent of this file entry as a File.
file:exists () Indicates whether or not this file exists.
file:isFile () Indicates whether or not this file entry is a file.
file:isDirectory () Indicates whether or not this file entry is a directory.
file:length () Returns the length of the file entry represented by this file.
file:lastModified () Returns last modified time of the file entry represented by this file.
file:setLastModified (time) Sets the last modified time of the file entry represented by this file.
file:mkdir () Creates the directory named by this file entry.
file:renameTo (dest) Renames this file entry.
file:delete () Deletes this file entry.
file:list () Returns an array of strings naming the file system entries in the directory represented by this file.
file:listFiles ([filter]) Returns an array of files in the directory represented by this file.
file:readAll (maxSize) Returns the content of this file.
file:write (data, append) Writes the specified data into this file.

Class File

A File class. A File instance represents a file or a directory.
File:new ([parent], path)
Creates a new File with the specified name. See Path


  • parent The optional parent as a string, File or Path. (optional)
  • path string The name of the file.


    a new File


    local workingDirectory = File:new('work')
    local configurationPath = File:new(workingDirectory, 'configuration.json')
file:getPath ()
Returns the path of the file as a string. The result is normalized with the OS separator.


    string the path of the file.


    local configurationPath = File:new('work/configuration.json')
    configurationPath:getPath() -- returns 'work/configuration.json'
file:getParentFile ()
Returns the parent of this file entry as a File.


    the parent of this file as a File.


    local configurationPath = File:new('work/configuration.json')
    configurationPath:getParentFile():getName() -- returns 'work'
file:exists ()
Indicates whether or not this file exists.


    boolean true when this file exists, false otherwise.
file:isFile ()
Indicates whether or not this file entry is a file.


    boolean true when this file entry exists and is a file, false otherwise.
file:isDirectory ()
Indicates whether or not this file entry is a directory.


    boolean true when this file entry exists and is a directory, false otherwise.
file:length ()
Returns the length of the file entry represented by this file.


    boolean the size of this file entry or 0.
file:lastModified ()
Returns last modified time of the file entry represented by this file. The time is given as the number of milliseconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).


    number the last modified time of this file entry or 0.
file:setLastModified (time)
Sets the last modified time of the file entry represented by this file.


  • time number the last modified time or nil to set the current time.
file:mkdir ()
Creates the directory named by this file entry.


    boolean true if the directory is created.
file:renameTo (dest)
Renames this file entry.


  • dest the new name of this file as a File or a string.


    boolean true if the file is renamed. In case of error, it returns nil, plus a string describing the error and the error code.
file:delete ()
Deletes this file entry. This file may points to a file or an empty directory.


    boolean true if the file entry is deleted.
file:list ()
Returns an array of strings naming the file system entries in the directory represented by this file.


    table An array of strings naming the file system entries or nil.
file:listFiles ([filter])
Returns an array of files in the directory represented by this file.


  • filter function a filter function that will be called on each file. (optional)


    table An array of files or nil.
file:readAll (maxSize)
Returns the content of this file.


  • maxSize number the maximum file size to read


    string the content of this file or nil.
file:write (data, append)
Writes the specified data into this file.


  • data the data to write as a string or an array of string
  • append boolean true to indicate that the data should be appended to this file
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