Module jls.util.Channel

Allows to send and receive messages.

Provides a local message passing interface suitable for process and thread event based message passing.

The messages are sent and received as string on a channel. The goal is to abstract the message transport implementation, that can internally be a queue, a pipe or a socket.

The channel resource is represented by an opaque string and can be generated automatically. Internally using URI with authentication keys, pipe://pub.priv@local/p12345 or tcp://pub.priv@localhost:12345.

This interface is used for worker that abstract the thread.


    local channelServer = Channel:new()
    local channel = Channel:new()
      local name = channelServer:getName() -- after bind the server provides a name for connection
      return channel:connect(name)

Class Channel

Channel:new () Creates a new Channel.
channel:close ([callback]) Closes this channel.
channel:onClose () Returns a promise that resolves once the channel is closed.
channel:getName () Returns the name of this channel.
channel:bind ([closeWithAccepted[, scheme]]) Binds this channel.
channel:onAccept (ch) Accepts a new channel.
channel:connect (name) Connects this channel to the specified name.
channel:receiveStart (handleMessage) Starts receiving messages on this channel.
channel:receiveStop () Stops receiving messages on this channel.
channel:writeMessage (payload[, id[, callback]]) Writes a message on this channel.

Class Channel

The Channel class.
Channel:new ()
Creates a new Channel. A channel can be a server using the bind method or a client using the connect method but not both.
channel:close ([callback])
Closes this channel.


  • callback function an optional callback function to use in place of promise. (optional)


    jls.lang.Promise a promise that resolves once the channel is closed.
channel:onClose ()
Returns a promise that resolves once the channel is closed.


    jls.lang.Promise a promise that resolves once the channel is closed.
channel:getName ()
Returns the name of this channel.


    string the name of this channel.
channel:bind ([closeWithAccepted[, scheme]])
Binds this channel. When bound, the channel name can be used for connection.


  • closeWithAccepted boolean true to indicate this channel shall be closed after all the accepted channels are closed. (optional)
  • scheme string the scheme to use. (optional)


    jls.lang.Promise a promise that resolves once the server channel is bound.
channel:onAccept (ch)
Accepts a new channel. This method should be overriden, the default implementation closes the channel.


  • ch the channel to accept.
channel:connect (name)
Connects this channel to the specified name.


  • name string the name of the channel.


    jls.lang.Promise a promise that resolves once the channel is connected.
channel:receiveStart (handleMessage)
Starts receiving messages on this channel. The handler will be called with the payload and the message type.


  • handleMessage function a function that will be called when a message is received.
channel:receiveStop ()
Stops receiving messages on this channel. This server channel shall not be used anymore.
channel:writeMessage (payload[, id[, callback]])
Writes a message on this channel.


  • payload string the message to send
  • id number the message identifier, default is Channel.MESSAGE_ID_USER. You are free to use ids greater than or equal to MESSAGE_ID_USER. (optional)
  • callback function an optional callback function to use in place of promise. (optional)


    jls.lang.Promise a promise that resolves once the message has been sent.
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